Thursday, January 7, 2010

NYC's Heroin Safety Guide FB Thread

Billy Vector NYC's Heroin Safety Guide aims to prevent 17% of the city's annual deaths. CNN is reporting that those who oppose it are rational or perhaps right. CNN thinks it's OK for thousands to die unnecessarily? Seig Heil CNN.
2 hours ago · Comment · LikeYou like this.

Jay Hayes Liquor industry running "Drink Responsibly" and designated driver ads is okay, but warning people how to avoid dying from street drugs is irrational? The only distinction being one is legal and the other is not? Not sure that is a distinction with a difference in this case. I assume the guide does not start with the statement: "Shooting heroin can be safe, fun and enjoyable as long as you follow these few simple rules . . . ."
about an hour ago ·

Billy Vector It says: Don't Die. Be safe.
about an hour ago ·

Billy Vector They hand them out at Methadone clinics and NA meetings.... so it's already too late to delude one's self that use has not already begun.
about an hour ago ·

Jay Hayes I am guessing their argument was, "telling people how to take drugs safely implicitly approves the taking of the drugs." I wonder if CNN would take the same position if they were discussing an AIDs prevention pamphlet aimed teenagers having sex. After all, the logic is the same.
about an hour ago ·

Jay Hayes For that matter, a "designated driver" campaign encourages everyone else to overindulge. But I am sure limiting information is probably a good idea. It always works out so well.
about an hour ago ·

Billy Vector Hah, I remember where we grew up they were telling their kids that masturbation would make their privates fall off. The logic there was something.........
about an hour ago ·

Jay Hayes Wear and tear.
about an hour ago ·

Billy Vector "The peasants can't be trusted with the truth". Said the peasant elder.
about an hour ago ·

Billy Vector No. Something like you can't have yourself an immaculate conception if your sporting skills....
about an hour ago ·

Billy Vector I miss the Gianatasios. They had so much to say in this area.
about an hour ago ·

Billy Vector Did you ever read our letters to Penthouse about the adventures of John Chieco?
about an hour ago ·

Jay Hayes No. Sounds interesting.
about an hour ago ·

Billy Vector Ah...memories. Johnny G., Chucky Fucky, and "Pids" (the epitome of a man who looks like an ape). We wrote of our incredible sexual adventures under the name of their stunningly uptight neighbor kid Chieco. They published every single one. Orgies with nuns @ OLP. Gay encounters with Alex Fennick. The funniest shit I ever did.
about an hour ago ·

Jay Hayes Was that pre- or post-graduation?
about an hour ago ·

Billy Vector Those guys played so many practical jokes on that family that they had to move. The dad wore a really bad toupee and the mom's name was Celia. They would break into their car and play the Simon and Garfunkel song at full blast on 8 track in the the middle of the night.
about an hour ago ·

Billy Vector Oh 10 grade to 12
about an hour ago ·

Billy Vector Someone should make a documentary film about the Gianatasio Fri. Night poker game. Marty became a Priest. Tommazeuski became a leather boy. Ant'ny and Bezik became pro bass players. I think that the Aids got Mitch Sewell..what a motley crew!
about an hour ago ·

Billy Vector Oh, and Norman is the Mayor of New Povidence.
about an hour ago ·

Shawn Guerra who are you talking about?
26 minutes ago ·

Billy Vector A family of local Guineas from my home town; New Providence, NJ. They were like the 3 Stooges.
20 minutes ago ·

Billy Vector Even their father Vito Gianatasio had a hillarious nickname: "Cozey". (Couzey ain't worth a shit as a father). I kid you not.
18 minutes ago ·

Billy Vector Jay Hayes was nearest to me alphabeticly, so we sat next to each other all through High School.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Face The Fan Page

The HoTTENToTs play a variety of musical styles including a heavy dose of the Traditional Anthemic ( New Jersey Style ) Punk Rock Music. The band also has it’s own unique use of techno influenced art rock along with Biker Metal and Rockabilly. " We play the fun stuff that rocks and makes you think". " Leave that crybaby crap to the EMO Loosers.

The HoTTENToTS are the Musical arm of a Multimedia Artist named Vector. Vector is an artist who invents and constructs art objects in a Varity of mediums including paint, sculpture, collage, poetry and music. Vector operates under a unique philosophy and set of skills. He considers all of these media an opportunity for artistic expression and uses whatever skills and technologies available to express his potent sociological and political ideas. Vector’s philosophy is simple. One can construct a substantial work of art with the materials at hand (however primitive) as long as the concept is strong and true.

The HoTTENToTs band evolved from Vector’s efforts to help a struggling techno/sampling group called " The Inly Contingent " in the early 90’s improve their sound. He explains: I had to quit rock and roll in the early 80’s after being too impoverished for too long. My health was failing. The Band I had in the early Punk Rock movement " LUBRICUNTS " despite being the best band in New York at the time, had been shunned by the record companies who were determined to stomp out Punk Rock. We were just a part of the incredible talent out there that they sought to destroy. They bought the entire cabaret circuit (the venues) where we made our livings and refused us bookings. In our place were mild mannered college student comprised bands (the now forgotten NEW WAVE). I could not believe that an industry could be so foolish and destructive.

I met Kristen Taylor in an underground club called DC Space where he played an Inly tape for me and I was impressed with how well this music could relate the fear and desperation of his life at that point. So I decided to join them and renamed the group "Liechtenstein's Unbelievable Vulture" after the Artist and the fact that I was building collages out of stuff that I scavenged out of the trash in the embassy district of Washington D.C. The band was renamed several times and endured a tragic number of personnel changes and firings for irresponsible behavior. Vector, determined not to have come out of musical retirement in vain, pressed ahead to record the CD called "All the Thrills and Pageantry" with the assistance of a few local D.C. musicians in 1997 and headed to California to promote the Album and the Band. After several years of trials and tribulation, including the permanent institutionazation of "Maddog" with Multible Sclerosis the fight continues to bring the very best music in the world to the people.